Hello fellow Tavern Dwellers! It’s time for another Hearthstone post! I hope you guys are ready for some awesome cards. Now, let’s have ourselves a friendly “Brawl”!

Hilarious Side Effect by menovat 22 Type: Mage Rare Spell Tribe: Arcane Appearance: A gnome mage casting a failed spell. Mana Cost: 0 Effect: Discover a minion. 50% chance to transform it into a Sheep.

Who doesn’t love a zero cost discover spell? This card is so perfect, and the downside, while hilarious, can still help you out. The Sheep can actually become really powerful if you buff it, and it’s a free minion so you can’t really complain. All in all, a fantastic and very trolly card.

Daring Challenger by Caesar Type: Warrior Epic Minion Appearance: A Dwarf warrior with heavy armor and a large hammer. Mana Cost: 4 Attack: 4 Health: 6 Effect: Battlecry: Force a minion to attack all friendly minions.

Now this is a very unique card that totally fits in the Warrior class. Running one weak minion into all of your minions can easily clear the board, and if you have a minion that benefits from being damaged, you’ve already won. It’s also a bit sadistic if you happen to choose a weak minion. Its body isn’t so bad either, and it can definitely take some hits.

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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