Hello fellow Music Lovers! It’s time for us to take another look at some bad album covers. I hope you guys are ready for some cringe and hilarity. Now, let’s begin!

Get Down with It!- Wayne Cochran (2005) Genres: R&B, Soul

Wayne Cochran was known as “The White James Brown”, and he was extremely popular back in the 60’s and 70’s. His album covers, on the other hand, are entirely different beasts! His most well known album is his 1965 LP, “Goin’ Back to Miami. It usually ends up on worst album cove lists, but I believe this one is even worse! It depicts the musician singing his heart out, but everything seems to be wrong with it. Fist of all, his trademark pompadour is way too big, and almost looks like a coon-skin cap. Second, he has a very off-putting orange outfit. Lastly, his expression tells the audience that someone cut a wicked fart, or that he just shat himself!

Mr. Bat- Mr. Bat Sings (1981) Genre: Christian, Religious Music

UGH! This cover is extremely bizarre and off-putting! Mr. Bat supposedly was a Clown that sang Cristian hymns. There’s almost no other information on this dude, and I’m kind of relived because of it. I used to have a major fear of clowns, and this specific one totally looks like he would kill you in your sleep! His tacky outfit looks like what would happen if a can can dancer and a party hat had a baby, and I don’t like it one bit! He also stares daggers into your eyes, and just genuinely looks unhinged. I’m usually not one to judge, but I have several questions about the cover, and I’m morbidly curious to see how far this rabbit hole goes.

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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